After reading Abandon, I simply couldn't wait to read Underworld! I am happy to share that Underworld was basically everything I was looking for in a sequel. It was enticing, quick paced, and one heck of a read. .
Quite literally, by about page 3 I was completely sucked in and didn't put Underworld down until I had finished. Meg Cabot has taken the myth of Persephone and Hades and modernized and changed it, which makes this series so much fun to read. Everything is new and exciting, since I never know what changes Meg Cabot is going to have made. The plot is always intense, and the scenes between Pierce and John are just adorable. I love the banter between them.
I love John. He is such a complex character and has such charm - I can't help but to love him. Readers learn so much more about his character and background in Underworld, which was neat. Pierce really grows as a character in Underworld, which made me like her even more. She is just such a great main character. In Underworld, a lot of new characters are introduced, and I really loved them all. They all brought something different to the story.
The ending was an absolute killer! The wait for Awaken is going to be intense indeed. The way Meg Cabot has built the story, Awaken is going to just blow the tops off of both Abandon and Underworld, which I am super excited about. Is it next year yet?
This series is one of my favorites. I just love how Meg Cabot has really made the myth her own and went with it. It is so wonderful, and I could just reread it over and over. Underworld by Meg Cabot is a book you will be sad to have missed.
Thank you SOOOOOO much to the people at Scholastic for my ARC!
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